Jersey Season!!!

Hey hey, guys, I hope you are having an amazing day. I am having an amazing day myself. Today actually marks the 426th day on hormones, and well all is normal in that department.  Anyways, let's get right into today's blog. So this blog was actually inspired by the Nacho Jersey By Vinyl. But before I get into that, I want to tell you a bit more about me. Growing up, I was a geek a major geek. But I also loved sports, I collected sports cards, I played sports with my dad, and I tried out for many school sports teams. I remember I was 10, and I was in a foster home. Just to give you more context. It was January 1st, 2000 and I was 10 years old.  Actually, I started listening to the Toronto Maple Leafs and Buffalo Sabers game in my room, on a little radio. I wound up getting caught, but that was literally the first hockey game I actually got to watch/listen to. 
Today's outfit was purely sports-inspired when I put this outfit on. It brought me back to the good times as a kid, and the times I enjoyed sports. Anyways, for my top, I went with the Nacho Jersey, By Vinyl. I had different colours earlier but opted for my favourite hockey team's colours. The pants and belt I am wearing, are the Sky Belt and Ripped jeans, also by Vinyl. And to cap it all off, I went with Equals' Noelle Sneakers. Anyways, let's get into more detail about my outfit. My hair, which honestly looks very close to my RL hair. Is Truth's Shadow hair, which is a group gift. It's L$ 350 to join, but it's well worth it. You get full hair fatpacks for free, and an inside look at what is gonna be released. Oh and last but not least, my body. I got it on my birthday, thank you again, Alex!! This is the new Legacy body, I had my doubts about it for a while and was totally against it. But I gave it a try, and well I was actually very surprised. The modelling on the body is supreme, and the load time for appliers is actually fast. It literally looks like the Skin or whatever applier you are using is literally being printed on your body. Now there is one downside, the neck seam. I have to wear a collar to hide it. But other than that, it's a great body overall. 
 Anyways, let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming. So again, I was a big fan of sports. Seriously, I was this really geeky kid. Who loved reading, watching TV and playing video games. But also had this really big passion for sports. My dad taught me a lot about it, and we would collect sports cards together. I had a huge collection. Don't know where it is now. I don't like sports as much today, but still, have respect for it. I was mainly into Baseball and hockey growing up. But had Basketball, Baseball and hockey cards. I think my fondest memory with my dad, is being outside and either kicking around the soccer ball. (Football for my UK readers.) or playing Tball. I have a really funny story about that, there was this one time. And I can still remember it well. If I were to be standing where I used to live, I could tell you exactly where I was standing, my dad was standing, where the Tball tee was and well I could practically retell the whole scene. But for time's sake, I am just gonna get right into it. But yeah, playing Tball with my dad, and hit the ball. I mean I swung as hard as I could, and it was a really decent hit. So yeah to end the story, I wound up accidentally hitting my dad in his balls. I look back now and feel bad. But when I was a kid, I was rolling on the ground laughing. 
But yeah, as I got older and into my later public school years. I started to lose my love for sports. I can honestly say, I tried out for the basketball team in school, never made it. I played softball with a league, that was absolutely fun. But the one sport, that I actually did make the cut. Was badminton. Let me recount that story for you, it was in grade 7 gym class. We were learning a new sport, it was badminton. Now I had never played it, but within 10 or 20 minutes after the teacher showed me. I really took to the sport, to the point that the teacher. Who also happened to be the badminton coach, invited me to tryouts. I actually made the team and was excited. I had found something I was really good at. But yeah back to my earlier topic, sorry for rambling. I think my biggest reason why I lost my love for sports, was the constant rejection after rejection for everything I tried out for. I still loved watching hockey here and there, but I just stopped playing it. 
Anyways, before I go. I want to tell you about my most memorable things when it came to sports. I got an autographed photo, of my favourite hockey player of all time. It was just a laminated printed off picture of the person, but it had his actual signature on it. For a bit of context, growing up. I had this thing for Curtis Joseph when he was the goalie for the Toronto Maple Leafs. I practically knew his stats and everything. Ask me that now, and I have no idea anymore. But yeah, I went to see my dad and he gave me the autographed picture. That was the best gift I ever got and trumped any other gift I got. I don't remember what happened to it, still wish I had it though. My second most memorable moment, I got to meet Corey Perry. For most of you who don't know, he plays or played for the Anaheim Ducks. But when I met him, it was at school and he played for the London Knights. Now for those of you who don't know, that is my Hometown's Hockey Team. They were not part of the NHL, but if I remember correctly they were part of a Junior B Hockey League. And last but not least. I was at this college tour, and for people who don't know. Canada has its own Football League called the CFL. I have met many people within that league, had a substitute teacher who played for one of the teams. Anyways, I was sitting beside a guy. His name is Jude St John, for those of you who don't know. He played a guard on the Argos, I actually had to look up his position. But anyway, we sat there talking, while a comedian was on stage. He told me he played for the Argos and I got to hold the CFL championship ring. Now for a kid of my age, in high school. That was a dream come true. But those are definitely the days I will never forget. 

Anyways, that's all folks ♥


Top: Nacho Jersey By Vinyl for Kustom9 
Belt:  Sky Belt By Vinyl 
Bottoms: Sky Ripped Jeans By Vinyl 
Shoes: Noelle Sneakers By Equal for Belle

Collar: Belt Collar By Artificial Hallucination
Lipstick: Jenny By Birth 
Eyelashes: Mink By Go&See
Jenny By Birth 
 Contour: Hazel Nose Contour By Michan 
Tattoo: Sinister By Dappa
Hair: Shadow By Truth (Group Gift)
Eyes: Essential Eyes By Avi-Glam(Group Gift)
Head: Baby Face By Genus Project 
Body: Legacy By The Shops 
Skin: Summer By Deetalez 
Shape: Custom

Pose: Look Book By Imeka 
Location: Cherishville


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