Murica, Fuck Yeah!!!
Hey hey, guys, I hope you had an excellent day. I had a marvellous day myself. Today actually marks the 466th day on hormones. Now, I didn't do what I had planned to do last night. Instead, I actually decided to watch a few Halloween specials. Now I don't really believe in ghosts, but I do enjoy Ghost Adventures. I get a giggle when they react over a fart or a sound you could easily explain away as the house settling in. Then I watched the South Park Halloween special, that was funny. I stayed up a little extra later than usual, but I had tonnes of fun. So no harm, no foul.

So for today's outfit, I decided to go with a new outfit from Vinyl. I have this big thing for the tactical look and absolutely love this look. You rarely find this from big-name designers in SL. My top is the Bulow Tee by Vinyl. This is actually a really nice looking T-Shirt. I decided to not go with a graphic this time, I wanted to show off the Tshirt in a really cool way. My pants, Utility Belt and Holster I wanted to wear the Loss Combat set. This whole outfit Tshirt and Pants, Holster and Utility Belt all come together. You can actually get it from Uber. My boot I am wearing, well I wanted to go with something Combatish looking. So I scoured the grid for the best looking work/combat boots. I accidentally came upon Vale Koer, I own a bunch of their products already. So when I saw these boots. I knew they would go well with the attire I had on. They are called the Lumbertrail boots.
So yeah, the day I put on this outfit. I had the song from Team America: World Police playing in my head over and over again. Actually, I had the chorus running to my head actually. So I decided to call the title with this title. As I felt it kinda went well with the picture, and what I was wearing. I look like an FBI agent, and I am on US Route 66. That and the pose, which is from Fashiowl Poses. It is ironically called Route 66, so yeah I had to place it right here. I wanted to have a bit of fun with this blog, and go a little overboard with the title. And for anyone new to my blog, I am not American. I am actually Canadian. But that song is actually good. The song is literally called America, Fuck Yeah. So I thought it was the perfect title name for the blog. But I wanted it to sound a little more cringy.
Anyways, that's all folks xD
Top: Bulow Tee By Vinyl for Uber
Belt: Loss Utility Belt By Vinyl For Uber
Holster: Loss Holster By Vinyl For Uber
Bottoms: Loss Combat Bootcut By Vinyl For Uber
Top: Bulow Tee By Vinyl for Uber
Belt: Loss Utility Belt By Vinyl For Uber
Holster: Loss Holster By Vinyl For Uber
Bottoms: Loss Combat Bootcut By Vinyl For Uber
Lipstick: The Bride Lipstick By Suicidal Unborn For The Summoning Event
Tattoo: Panther By Dappa
Lipstick: The Bride Lipstick By Suicidal Unborn For The Summoning Event
Tattoo: Panther By Dappa
Hair: Damiana Hair By Doux
Hair: Damiana Hair By Doux
Head: Strong Face By Genus
Body: Lara By Maitreya
Skin: Summer By Deetalez
Shape: Custom
Location: Mother Road
Location: Mother Road
Pose: Route 66 By Fashiowl Poses(Comes With Car)
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