I Will Never Forget you

Heya guys, what's up? I'm back and ready to bring you a blog. Now before I tell you how many days it's been since I have been on hormones. I would like to get something off of my plate. As you have noticed, I have been gone for a bit. Probably wondering, where I was. Don't worry, I didn't die. I just had a lot, which made it hard to get any motivation to write a blog. I will tell you more, later on in the blog. Anyways, it's been 353 days on hormones. I am so close to a year. 11 Days until it's been a year. I am so freakin excited. 

 Anyways, for today's outfit. I decided to bring Dark Sammy back. I kinda went on this weird phase. Where I wanted to wear more Colours. Please if you see me, slap me for it. Anyways, today I am wearing a lot of vinyl Stuff. Let's start with my top.  It is called the Beach T, and it actually says Black is My Happy Colour. Which honestly it is. Then for my Belt and Jeans, I am wearing the Sky Belt and Sky ripped Jeans. This has to be my new favourite outfit of Vinyl. Then for my shoes, I wanted to wear my favourite shoes from Vinyl.  They are called the 6th Ave Crochet Crocs. I got this way back when at Shoetopia. I also got another pair of shoes there, which I should totally show off. Oh yeah, before I forget. You can get the Sky Belt and Jeans and the Beach T all at Uber. 
So now for my explanation. I have had a hard time processing it, but one thing I learned from it. Is life can give you total shit, but you gotta stay positive throughout. Anyways, for the past 4 months, I have had to deal with my dad having cancer. Which was hard on me, and as he got worse, I slowly started to slip deeper into a depression, I never thought I could slip into. I watched as he went from a really strong and stubborn dude to a weak and vulnerable person, in a little over 3 and a half months. It was really hard for me. I had to take care of him, which I loved every moment of it for like a week. But the day that was really hard on me, was the day he passed away. I had practically been living in the hospice for the past 2 days, as they moved him from the hospital. Wednesday, 2 days later I lost him. But one thing I am really glad of is that he isn't suffering or in pain, nor does he have to be in a medically induced state of comfort anymore. The title of my blog is a song. But that is not the reason I used it. I used it, cause I will always remember the good and fun times I had with him. That is another thing I learned from all this, that even though he is gone. I will never ever forget him. 
Anyways, guys, that's all for now. I hope you really enjoyed this. 

Shirt: Candy Beach Tee By Vinyl For Uber
Belt: Sky Belt By Vinyl For Uber
Pants: Sky Ripped Jeans By Vinyl For Uber
Footwear: 6th Ave Crochet Chucks By Vinyl
Collar: Belt Collar By Artificial Hallucination 
Facial Piercings1 1: Scene Kid Bento Piercing By Artificial Hallucination 
Facial Piercing 2: Nera 2 By Blaxium 
Belly Piercing: Hellraiser By Artificial Hallucination 
Ear Piercing: Jessica By Genus Project

Eyelashes: Mink By Go&See 
Lipstick: Comes With Skin
Eyeliner: Comes With Skin
Tattoo: Suffering By Dappa
Hair: Nicholas By Volthair 
Eyes: Aurora By Avi-Glam 
Head: Classic Head By Genus Project 
Body: Freya By Belleza 
Skin: Jenny By Birth 
Shape: Custom

Location: Pendle Hill 
Pose: Lesley By Kokoro Poses

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