Let Me Tell You Something

Hey hey, guys, it's your Girl, Sammy. I hope you guys have had a good past few days. Anyways, onto the meat and potatoes of this post. So, it's been 176 days on hormones, and tomorrow is my endocrinologist's appointment. I am so nervous, I actually woke up the past two days in a row, feeling sick to my stomach. I know everything is gonna be okay, yet I still get really nervous. But I always imagine Alex there with me, which really helps calm my nerves. Trust me, I have to go for blood work, I absolutely hate needles. The one thing I am absolutely dreading is this cold. It's like minus 20 out, with the wind chill. Going out for a cigarette is torture, but having to walk in these conditions are much worse. I really wish I had a car. 
For today's ensemble, I chose the Healthy Goth Gym Set By Goth1cO. Now let me reiterate this, I am not a satan worshipper. I just find these items a bit amusing. I got it from the Gothic Garage Sale, which closes on the 3rd of next month. My shoes are from Reign, I felt that it would look cool, to go with the whole health nut, exercise look. But I wanted it to be stylish, so I went with the Thigh High Shoes from Reign. They are both classy, and would definitely be awesome to exercise in. To make this look even darker and semi ominous, I decided to go with Dappa's Fvneral Tattoo. Then I was like, what would be more Satanic. So I went with Astara's Cross Bindi and Septum. With the Bindi, I decided to wear it inverted. Just for that added cringiness. It kinda works, and it makes me look like some cringy satanist. 
Anyways, last time I had my appointment. I went through the same thing. Feeling sick to my stomach, my sleep is a tad off. But last time, I had a large meat lovers pizza to myself. So the grease didn't help. This time, I had a pizza sub, Cool Ranch Doritos, and Pepsi. Somehow I can't eat stuff like that, before an appointment. It just messes me the fuck up. But hey, on the positive side. I don't have to worry about having my hormone dosage increased. Yeah as I said before, increases usually make me uncontrollably emotional, and Alex kinda can't handle that. So this is a breath of fresh air, for both myself and Alex. 
Anyways, it's really cold out today. It's minus 20c, but with the windchill, it feels 10-15 degrees colder. Going out for a cigarette is hard, and my walk to get blood work will be much harder. I may just wind up taking a bus. I don't know if I can safely handle the cold. It makes it a bit harder to breathe outside. But yeah I gotta do blood work today, then work at a club in SL, that I worked at for almost a year. Damn, how time flies. I have a lot to do today, and I know I will be tired, after going to my appointment. So I may have to grab a coffee on the way back. A to warm up, and B to keep my ass up. That all being said about caffeine, I want to go back to drinking tea again. It's much healthier, and tea comes in a wide variety of yummy flavours. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my posts and pics. This is Sammy, signing out. ♥


Shirt and Bottoms: Healthy Goth Gym Set By Goth1cO for Gothic Garage Sale
Shoes: Glitter Thigh High Shoes By REIGN

Bindi: Cross Bindi By Astara
Septum: Cross Septum by Astara

Lipstick: Powder Pack Genus December By L'etre
Tattoo: Fvneral By Dappa 
Eyelashes: Mink By Go&See
Nails: Foiled Goth By Koffin Nails For Gothic Garage Sale

Hair: Aurora Hair by Astrology 
Eyes: Anna Eyes By Euphoric
Head: Classic Head  By Genus Project
Body: Lara By Maitreya
Skin: Ginny By Amara Beauty 
Shape: Custom

Location: Arranmore
Pose: Stairs(Standing) & Hypnose by Foxcity 

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