Road Warrior

Hey hey, guys, I hope you had an amazing day. I know I did. Today marks my 616th day on hormones, and nothing to report from the growth side. Except, my left tit is huge and my right tit is small. So yeah, today's blog was kinda inspired by R3HAB's Revolution
So today's outfit is actually a doozy. I am wearing the Combat Outfit by Demon Doll. I saw this a couple of weeks ago and was like. This is gonna be mine. Then I needed to get a hair to go with it. So I went with the Esther Hair. Oh, and I also saw this tattoo. Which is by Dappa. It is called the Vamp Tattoo, and this is all at Equal10 right now. So march your cute asses over to Equal10 before it closes. As for my pose, as I said before. This blog was mainly inspired by a song, so I had to go with the Sidecar Pose pack by Fashiowl Poses. 
I have had a weird past couple of weeks, nothing bad. Just a lot of weird dreams this past couple of weeks. Some of them frightening, some of them fun and one was quite depressing. I won't go into detail. When it comes to my RL, it has been pretty weird. But oddly, the good weird. I absolutely love surprises, but the one thing I am excited about. I am having pizza and snacks tonight. While watching Disney+. I kinda did a thing last week, and caved and got Disney+ and Netflix. 
Anywhosers, that's all folks ♥

Top: Combat Top and Harness By Demon Doll For Equal10
Bottoms: Combat Leggings and Harness By Demon Doll For Equal10
Shoes: Combat Boots By Demon Doll For Equal10

Facial Piercings: Casual Goth By Artificial Hallucination
Collar: Belt Collar By Artificial Hallucination 
Bindi: Moon Bindi By Sakura
Eyelashes: Night Out By Mila 
Eyebrows: Sable By Suicidal Unborn 
Eye Makeup: Smokey Eyeshadow By Suicidal Unborn 
Lipstick: Velvet Lipstick By Suicidal Unborn 
Tattoo: Vamp By Dappa for Equal10
Hair: Esther By Doux for Equal10
Eyes: Hera By Euphoric 
Head: Baby Face W001 By Genus  
Body: Legacy By The Shops 
Skin: Sienna By Deetalez 
Shape: Custom

Pose: Sidecar By Fashiowl Poses 
Location: Mother Road

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